The Drums' new album, "Jonny," is a deeply introspective project that jumps into the raw emotions and personal history of Jonathan Pierce, the band's leader and only member. This record, aptly named after himself, is not just another sunny indie-pop entry in The Drums' discography; it's a testament to the power of self-examination and the healing nature of music.

From the very first track, "I Want It All," Jonny Pierce's clear and bright vocals take us on a emotionally charged ride. While the instrumentals evoke the joy of youth, the lyrics are full of longing, tenderness, and forgiveness. It's a song you can sing along to even on your first listen, a testament to The Drums' mastery of pop sensibilities.

The album maintains its sunny sounds throughout, with "Be Gentle" standing out as a soothing indie-pop anthem. However, Pierce isn't afraid to experiment, as seen in "I'm Still Scared," where he combines electro-pop elements with lyrics full of loneliness.

One of the most surprising moments is the feature of rapper Rico Nasty on "Dying." Their contrasting voices work surprisingly well together, with Rico’s verse providing a stark contrast to Pierce's repeated declarations of a life spent "dying." It's an unexpected but effective collaboration.

Amidst the classic Drums indie-pop hits, Pierce also includes shorter tracks that directly address his childhood self, like "Little Jonny." These songs showcase a more simplistic and reflective side of the album, with Pierce layering his vocals to create a poignant atmosphere.

Throughout "Jonny," Pierce's lyrics and melodies maintain a delicate balance between the past and the present, reflecting on personal growth and the pains of youth. It's an album that serves as a gentle and reflective sonic letter to Pierce's past selves, an ode to the complexities of human emotions.

"Jonny" is a triumph for Jonny Pierce and The Drums. It's a record that not only delivers the familiar indie-pop charm he is known for but also delves into the depths of personal history and healing. It's a testament to the power of music to help us confront our past and find acceptance in the present. "Jonny" is an album that resonates with sincerity and emotional depth, making it a standout in The Drums' discography.