In this exclusive interview, get to know Los Angeles multi-disciplinary artist Late July a.k.a. Nicole Simone and learn more about the story behind “Late July,” on getting inspired and writing the song “Sober” while walking her dog, on the challenges of navigating social media as an artist, and more.

Her red hair, dramatic looks and her love of cinema translates into her music with powerful orchestral arrangements, often harrowing strings, 80's synths and conquering trumpets that leave you on a beach or in the darkness of a winter street. Her lyrics are often heartfelt look into Late July's world of the weird, the sad and the wonderful.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Late July otherwise known as Nicole Simone. I'm a multidisciplinary artist focused on music, making cinematic indie bedroom pop bops. I grew up between Southern California and Toronto, Canada  and am half first generation Sicilian. I'm a spicy double Pisces, Libra rising, I love all the beautiful and emotional things in life. 

What’s the story behind “Late July?”

I came up with Late July in my early 20's after getting out of a 6 year relationship. I was completely consumed by it and I decided I needed to return to doing music and Late July just stuck. It's always a creative time of year for me. I get really restless in the summer, I don't do well in the heat and I think that just really sparks me to work extra hard and explore the world. I'm not a party type person so in times when everyone is out and having fun it's usually the time I'm most creative and working diligently on my artwork. I always had the intention of Late July being cinematic pop. I love the chemistry of film and music and I always write in a way that romanticizes all the memories of things that inspire me.

How would you describe your latest single “Sober?”

"Sober" is a very pretty new wave cinematic glimpse into my life in LA. The song very much reads as a letter, watching an ex publicly try to get sober and then publicly fail on that. Even if you don't want someone in your life, you can still want the best for them. I think so many people have been in relationships where they are like "If they could just get sober, things would work out" and I know that it's so much more complex than that. I was walking my dog one day and the song just kind of came to me. I sang it all in full into my voice memos and then sent it to Jessica Taylor (who produced it) to transcribe it and make the track. It was really quick and I had no intention of writing a song while walking my dog but I guess I needed to get that off my chest. I really wanted some 80's synths that kind of sound like trumpets and it was loosely inspired by some of Gowan's music from the 80's.

What are some of the challenges that you faced in your career so far?

Social media has been a very weird challenge for me. I thought if I posted about what I was doing and myself everyday on social media it would draw people to my music - and it did - but then it's been really hard explaining to people that I'm not an influencer, I'm an artist but I see now it's all relevant. I just have to literally remind people sometimes that I'm a musician. I think people just see the big red hair and photos of me hanging off some canyon in the Hollywood Hills and they don't take me seriously as an artist and I get a bit in my head about that but I see it all as a big picture thing now.

How did you rise above these challenges?

Being a musician 20 years ago is a very different thing now. I roll with the tides. I wish I had all the social media opportunities there are in 2022 that I did when I was younger but I'm grateful things worked out the way they have. I've always been drawn to people who are career artists (Tom Waits, Jeff Buckley, Elvis Costello etc) and I think they'd never do social media like myself and many musicians do, but we're a part of a new generation. It's all how you see it.


What’s the proudest moment of your career?

I think the best is yet to come.


What inspires you?

People inspire me. I'm a romantic and it took a long time for me to reconcile that with myself but connections are rare and real - always worth writing about. I am obsessed with biographies and learning about how people lived or are living their life. I'll meet random people and that can inspire a lot. 


What scares you?

Chronic debilitating illness especially one that causes loss of cognitive function. I've almost died a couple times in my life from serious illness and I never want to feel that helpless again.


Guilty pleasure?

Old romantic comedies (think Four Weddings & A Funeral), Christian Bale movies and surfing videos. I'm obsessed with surfing and its subculture. 

Name your top 5 favorite films of all time

1. Knight of Cups by Terrence Malick

2. Beginners by Mike Mills

3. Virgin Suicides by Sophia Coppola

4. Casino by Martin Scorcese

5. High Fidelity by Stephen Frears


Last song that got stuck in your head

The Promise by When In Rome. I listen to an 80's radio station out of LA and they put on songs that I don't know sometimes and this was one of them. I just love the drma of the chorus. I'm a sucker for new wave and the romanticism of it all.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

If you weren't ready you wouldn't have the opportunity and no amount of anxiety is going to change the outcome of a situation. I love to get in my head about everything in my life, indecision is a decision and remembering that stressing out and feeling not good enough isn't going to change how things go.


What’s your ultimate goal?

To find happiness in everyday life. Live my life creating things (music, film, books) and working with remarkable people, living in a city and home I love with people I love with lots of dogs and horses around. 


What are your dream projects?

A post-punk surf rock band with a secondary male lead singer/guitarist. I'd love to score a film, I did some film scoring for my project "On A List" that was fun. I'd love to work on some music documentaries too and then score a surf film.


What are you looking forward to the most in the near future?

Working with a lot of great people! I'm working with Kyle McCammon (Lean) and the legendary producer John Agnello (Dinosaur Jr.). I am learning so much and I'm excited to grow as an artist and write my heart out.